The Current Evaluation of Diagnostic Testing in Pharmacies and Physician Offices and Companion Diagnostics

Webinar Recorded on Jan. 27, 2016 

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Some experts believe the in vitro diagnostics market is expected to reach nearly $70 billion by 2017. Point-of-care testing in doctor’s offices and pharmacies may represent of huge shift in both site of care and access to key tests. New technologies are making tests faster, in many cases, minimally invasive. Finally, many drugs in the current pipeline will utilize diagnostic tests to support drug product selection (target biomarkers, for example), and to monitor patients for efficacy or adverse events throughout their course of therapy. This webinar will provide a high-level overview of the diagnostics marketplace and what changes we can expect in the next 2-3 years.


Jack Kain, PharmD, Clinical Toxicologist and Pharmacogenomic Specialist, Precision Diagnostics

This webinar is supported by Precision Diagnostics