Trends in Health Care: Artificial Intelligence and Tech

Webinar Recorded on May 29, 2019 

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Health IT, artificial intelligence and big data: It’s all contained within the technology global influencer we are tracking in the AMCP Foundation Trends in Health Care. Watch this archived webinar to gain insight and prepare for the tech changes arriving at your organization in the coming years. Speakers delved into the latest findings from the Foundation’s environmental monitoring, discussing innovative case studies about artificial intelligence.

“While many health care professionals have come to view artificial intelligence with a ‘cautious optimism,’ similar to how they treat a new class of medicine,”* artificial intelligence requires careful design to improve patient outcomes.

To learn more about the six trends and two influencers captured in the Foundation’s research, download our latest report or view our Dec. 2018 webinar for a recap on Trends in Health Care: Disruptors and Opportunities.



  • Tina Moen, PharmD, Senior Deputy Chief Health Officer and Chief Pharmacy Officer, IBM Watson Health. Dr. Moen will address the “Impact of AI on the Future of Health Care.”
  • Amy Duhig, PhD, Vice President, Strategic Market Access and Intelligence, Xcenda. Xcenda is the research partner for our Trends in Health Care series, conducted collaboratively with Pfizer, Inc.

*Biopharma Dive