Addressing Health Equity within the Healthcare System


Science & Innovation Webinar

Webinar Recorded on Nov. 17, 2021 
Sponsored by Sandoz, A Novartis Division 

As the US continues our important racial justice conversations, it’s more important than ever to draw awareness to the disproportionate burden of disease that minority racial and ethnic populations experience in the US, which has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Delivering healthcare that effectively addresses health disparities requires an understanding of the specific needs of groups that have been marginalized in order to ensure the availability of high-quality healthcare and create sustainable healthy communities. An important way we can achieve greater health equity is to address persistent disparities in the way healthcare is approached, accessed, and delivered. Working in partnership as payers, patient and community organizations and pharmaceutical manufacturers that share a commitment to health equity is an important step in reducing barriers.

Join us for a presentation on health equity to discuss the following:

  • What is health equity and why is it emerging as a hot topic now?
  • How do we address participation gaps in clinical trials?
  • How can health plans respond to health disparities?
  • How can data be used to identify gaps in care and improve health equity?


  • LaTasha Lee, PhD, MPH
    VP, Clinical and Social Research and Development
    National Minority Quality Forum
  • Jennifer Malin, MD, PhD
    Optum Health Solutions
  • Vikki Walton
    Director of State Public Policy and External Affairs

This webinar is sponsored, developed and presented by the sponsor. The content of this Science & Innovation Theater Webinar and opinions expressed by the presenters are those of the sponsor or presenters and not of AMCP. 

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