Bridging the HCEI Divide – Insights on an Effective Healthcare Economic Information (HCEI) Exchange

Webinar Recorded on Jan. 19, 2022 

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While the FDA has set guidelines on proactive manufacturer communications of healthcare economic information (HCEI) to payers, there still appears to be a gap between what payers are asking for and what manufacturers are providing. So why the gap, and how might this be impacting payer decision making? And what might prove helpful for manufacturers to enhance this exchange? Join our panel for research findings and insights into these critical questions, along with strategies to close the gap.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Nuances between HEOR and HCEI
  • Payer HCEI needs and associated implications
  • Current manufacturer practices for HCEI communications
  • Pathways that compliantly enhance the opportunity for information exchange


  • Jasmine Knight, PharmD, MS, Customer and User Engagement Director, FormularyDecisions


  • Lisa Cashman, PharmD, Vice President of Specialty Solutions, MedImpact Direct, LLC
  • Jay Jackson, PharmD, MPH, Senior Vice President, Consulting, Xcenda
  • Todd Williamson, PhD, Vice President, Data Generation & Observational Studies, Bayer