Market Insights - Future of Hemophilia Treatments - Impact on Payers

Webinar Recorded on Dec. 10, 2019 

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While hemophilia has been traditionally managed and treated with Factor replacement products - both short-acting and long-acting options - new product entrants are shifting the utilization and management of these members. While emicizumab initially launched with the indication of members with inhibitors to Factor, the indication has expanded for prevention of bleeds and has resulted in a shift in the treatment paradigm. Another upcoming entrant on the horizon is gene therapy treatment for hemophilia A and B. Health plans, employers and insurers are revising policies and practices to manage the care and costs of patients with hemophilia. This webinar provides a summary of the findings of the meeting as well as a discussion with Michelle Rice, Chief External Affairs Officer of the National Hemophilia Foundation.


Dana Regan, MBA
AMCP Consultant


Michelle Rice
Chief External Affairs Officer
National Hemophilia Foundation