Exclusive AMCP Member Benefits
AMCP has something for everyone. Whether you are a starting or an experienced practitioner, we offer a wide range of tools, professional development, and volunteer opportunities exclusive to members that will take your career to the next level. For the latest opportunities, visit the Member Center.
Continuing Education
- The AMCP Learn catalog includes over 70 self-paced programs offering over 60 hours of Continuing Education credit:
- Over 65 programs free to members — a $1,950 value.
- Over 80 free member-only AMCP webinars per year on managed care issues and best practices — a $717 value.
- Free quarterly webinars for AMCP members only on critical legislative and policy matters.
- Certificate course discounts:
- Fundamentals of Managed Care Pharmacy — members save $100.
- Advanced Formulary Training Program — members save $150
- Medical Benefits Training — members save $100.
- AMCP eLearning Days: Two days of virtual learning and CPE — free to members. A $360 value.
- Medication Use Quality continuing education program in partnership with Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA): 15 accredited CE hours. AMCP members receive a 50% discount of $225.
That's over $3,000 in savings! Ready to Join?
Health Care Decision-Maker Tools
- AMCP eDossier: AMCP partners with FormularyDecisions to enhance information sharing and formulary decision-making by creating a platform for current, credible, and compliant information exchange between life science companies and active, qualified healthcare decision-makers.
- AMCP eModel: This is the ultimate tool for communication of health economic models and value evidence. Find out more about this tech partnership and this health economic modeling platform to support the exchange of clinical and economic information between manufacturers and payers.
- Value-Based Purchasing Lexicon: AMCP has developed a unified language for discussing and designing value-based contacts across payers, provider systems, and manufacturers. AMCP members also have exclusive access to an overview presentation of the lexicon.
Meaningful Networking
- AMCP Affiliates: Grow your local network by becoming active with others in your area who work in managed care pharmacies. Affiliates provide a much-needed forum for networking, education, and outreach to local pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.
- AMCP National Meetings: Members receive substantial discounts on registration for AMCP’s spring Annual Meeting and AMCP Nexus each fall. Each event draws thousands of the nation’s top managed care pharmacy leaders and features renowned keynote speakers, cutting-edge educational sessions, extensive networking opportunities, and an exhibit hall of companies and organizations showcasing their latest innovations and services.
- AMCP Member Directory: Gain access to like-minded colleagues and peers to increase your network and build partnerships.
- AMCP Collaborate: Tap into the collective expertise of other members through AMCP’s member-only online community.
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Volunteer Leadership Development
AMCP offers members numerous volunteer opportunities that grow leadership skills and fit members’ busy schedules:
- 230 volunteer roles on national boards, task forces, and committees.
- 76 volunteer roles for local and regional affiliates.
- 350+ JMCP peer reviewers for leading managed care pharmacy journal.
- 200 student pharmacist mentor opportunities during national meetings.
- 150 Pharmacy Advocacy Leader positions.
- 160 volunteer Diplomats, AMCP members who serve as a managed care resource for student pharmacists or faculty at a school/college of pharmacy.
- 400 student pharmacist chapter member leadership opportunities.
Career Enhancement
AMCP has negotiated discounts on graduate online programs for the working professional. Opportunities include:
University of Florida College of Pharmacy: Save 50% off your first and last course.
Jefferson School of Population Health: Save 15% on tuition.
University of Southern California School of Pharmacy: Save 25% off your first and last course.
AMCP Awards and Fellow Program
- AMCP Awards: Annually, AMCP confers awards to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the profession of managed care pharmacy and to AMCP. Award recipients are publicly recognized at the spring meeting.
- AMCP Fellow Program: Recognizes exceptional contributions to AMCP, sustained excellence in the pharmacy profession, and promotes awareness throughout the medical community of pharmacists who have distinguished themselves in the profession of managed care pharmacy.
Publications and Newsletters
AMCP Daily Dose®
Every morning, members receive their favorite AMCP benefit—an email with curated news stories from credible outlets, keeping them up to date on the latest news impacting managed care pharmacy —a $200 value.
AMCP News & Views
Members stay abreast of the latest AMCP news, events, advocacy efforts, affiliate news, and education opportunities via this monthly e-newsletter—a $50 value.
AMCP Legislative & Regulatory Briefing Newsletter
Stay up-to-date on recent legislative and regulatory developments and actions that AMCP has taken on behalf of members in this monthly e-newsletter. Each edition includes links to letters and comments AMCP has sent to federal agencies and lawmakers outlining managed care pharmacy’s stance on crucial issues. A $50 value.
AMCP Regulatory NewsBREAKS
These are released to member inboxes in response to newly enacted regulations or newly issued sub-regulatory guidance. A $200 value.
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