Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

JMCP Mention: Negotiated Drug Prices Will Help Medicare Beneficiaries; Unclear If And By How Much Government Saves And Industry Loses

Negotiated Drug Prices Will Help Medicare Beneficiaries; Unclear If And By How Much Government Saves And Industry Loses

Because most prescription drugs selected for negotiation are highly rebated and discounted—prior to the federal government negotiations—comparisons of MFPs with list prices are somewhat misleading. Many of the ten drugs chosen already had significant rebates, in some cases as high as 68% off of the wholesale acquisition cost.
Legislation & Regulation, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
JMCP Bloomberg Article: Drugmakers, Medicare Conclude Talks to Slash Spiraling Costs

Drugmakers, Medicare Conclude Talks to Slash Spiraling Costs

Hernandez co-authored a June study in the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP) on price benchmarks for selected drugs and their therapeutic alternatives, which concluded different negotiation scenarios for the first 10 drugs. If a drug has a therapeutic alternative, that likely guided the initial price offer from the CMS.
Legislation & Regulation, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)