Letters, Statements & Analysis

AMCP communicates the importance of managed care pharmacy by collaborating with members to provide comments, analysis, and testimony to Congress and federal and state agencies on the impact of proposed regulations and laws on managed care pharmacy and patients.

AMCP Submits Comments to the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, Supporting House Bill 2041, a Bill That Would Recognize Pharmacists as Health Care Providers and Authorize Them to Perform Certain Patient Services

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) supports the passage of House Bill 2041. This legislation would recognize pharmacists as health care providers and authorize them to perform certain patient services including drug therapy management and administering drugs and biological products to a patient pursuant to a physician’s orders. As health care delivery in the United States continues to evolve and the focus increases on an interdisciplinary team approach to patient care, it critical to achieve better quality patient care that pharmacists are recognized as health care providers.

AMCP Submits Comments to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Opposing House Bill 976, Which Amends the State's Biosimilar Law by Replacing the Words “Biosimilar and Interchangeable” in the Definition of “Interchangeable Biologic Product”

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) opposes House Bill 976. This bill would amend Chapter 112 Section 12EE (a) by replacing the words “biosimilar and interchangeable” in the definition of “interchangeable biologic product” with the words “therapeutically equivalent to”. This new proposed definition is inconsistent with existing Massachusetts law, which follows the language in the Biologics and Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA).

AMCP Submits Comments to the California Senate Committee on Health, Opposing Assembly Bill 2050, Which Would Mandate Medication Synchronization

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) recognizes the value of medication synchronization as one tool that may improve adherence. However, we urge you to oppose Assembly Bill 2050 because it would mandate synchronization of medications without the benefit of industry input and a study of existing programs.

AMCP Submits Comments to FDA on Biosimilars Labeling Draft Guidance Advocating for Changes to the Biosimilarity Statement and Biosimilar Product Identification & Naming Sections

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) thanks the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the opportunity to provide comments in response to the draft guidance document titled “Labeling for Biosimilar Products: Guidance for Industry” published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2016.

AMCP Joins Other Organizations Urging Senate not to Approve Legislative Provision to Remove Requirement for USP Monographs for Biologics and Biosimilars

AMCP is writing to express concern about proposals by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a provision included in Section 11 of the “FDA and NIH Workforce Authorities Modernization Act” (S. 2700) that would exempt certain biological products, including biosimilars, from the requirement to adhere to U.S. Pharmacopeial (USP) public standards for quality, including the naming of biologic and biosimilar medicines.

AMCP Publishes a Summary of the Provisions in the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) that are Relevant to AMCP Members. CARA is a Major Piece of Legislation that Creates a Framework for Opioid Abuse Prevention and Treatment

On July 22, President Obama signed into law the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA). CARA creates a framework for opioid abuse prevention and treatment and authorizes $181 million in new spending to address the opioid epidemic. Bipartisan support and overwhelming vote margins (407–5 in the House and 92–2 in the Senate) are evidence that this issue was an important one. CARA aims to strengthen prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts, largely by empowering medical professionals and law enforcement officials with funding and tools.

AMCP Submits Comments to the NJ Assembly Health and Senior Citizens Committee, Supporting Assembly Bill 3982, a Bill that Mandates Practitioners Issue Prescriptions for Controlled Substances Electronically Using an Electronic Health Records System

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) supports the passage of Assembly Bill 3982 mandating that practitioners issue prescriptions for controlled substances electronically using an electronic health records system. E-prescribing for controlled substances would reduce some prescription errors and help prevent more than 2 million adverse drug events per year, 130,000 of which are life threatening. AMCP members seek to reduce the public health crises associated with medication prescribing errors, abuse and diversion of opioids, all of which AB 3982 addresses.

AMCP Submits Comments for the Record on Senate Finance Committee Hearing Titled “Examining the Proposed Medicare Part B Drug Demonstration”

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) appreciates the opportunity to submit comments for the record on the hearing titled “Examining the Proposed Medicare Part B Drug Demonstration” held on June 28, 2016. AMCP submitted detailed comments1 to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the proposed rule titled “Medicare Program; Part B Drug Payment Model (CMS-1670-P)” published in the Federal Register on March 11, 2016.

AMCP Summary - Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released a final rule titled “Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders” scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on July 8, 2016. AMCP had submitted comments on the draft rule urging for provisions related to team-based care, education on diversion mitigation strategies, and the expansion of practitioner eligibility to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid abuse disorders.

AMCP Submits Comments in Support of CMS Medicare Part D Reporting Requirements for CY2017

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) thanks the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the opportunity to provide comments in support of the notice titled “Medicare Part D Reporting Requirements and Supporting Regulations (CMS-10185)” published in the Federal Register on May 6, 2016. Under the notice, Part D sponsors would be responsible for submitting Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program reports as described in Title I, Part 423, Subpart D, § 423.153 for CY2017 by the last Monday of February in 2018.
Medicare Part D

AMCP Submits Comments to the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, Supporting SB 2313, Which Establishes a Task Force to Study Payer Practices Regarding the Dispensing of Specialty Drugs

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) supports Senate Bill 2313 –establishing a task force to study and analyze health insurance payer practices regarding the dispensing of specialty drugs directly to a patient or provider. AMCP recommends that the Committee add language including a managed care pharmacist as a member on the task force.
Specialty Pharmacy