Chapter Spotlight September 2022: Rutgers University
September 2022 — Rutgers University

The AMCP student chapter at Rutgers University is delighted to be featured as the chapter spotlight of the month. In the 2021-2022 school year, the Rutgers chapter was selected for three prestigious awards: AMCP Student Chapter of the Year, Medium-Sized Chapter Growth of the Year, and second place in the national P&T Competition. Furthermore, they host various local events in collaboration with other pharmacy organizations and other AMCP student chapters to provide peers with opportunities to network and learn from managed care professionals. For many chapter members, AMCP Annual 2022 was their first in-person conference experience (pictured below). AMCP 2022 provided the students with various networking opportunities and many learning experiences through presentations, speeches, and unique events like the P&T Competition. The Rutgers AMCP chapter is very excited to be back in person at Nexus 2022!