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Partner with AMCP To Advance Managed Care Pharmacy and Health Care

By partnering with AMCP, your organization will be uniquely poised to shape the future of managed care pharmacy. 

Network with and become a thought leader for AMCP’s 8,000+ member base of managed care professionals, while using AMCP’s resource center to stay current with industry issues and better understand your audiences. 

Download Our 2025 Prospectus To See All of Our Offerings

Explore Corporate Membership Options 

View Market Insights Case Studies for Disease State Research 

Discuss your Organization's Needs With AMCP

Education and Awareness

AMCP’s diverse member base consists of almost 8,000 pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals that touch the lives of more than 300 million people across the world. Partnering with AMCP provides your organization with multiple ways of connecting with these health care leaders, specific messaging recommendations around pipeline products and disease states, and avenues to understand stakeholder views through a number of AMCP platforms.


  • Increase awareness and visibility of key industry issues by presenting to managed care professionals with a sponsored webinar.
  • Advertise in JMCP — our monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering all aspects of managed care pharmacy, reaching 25,000 industry leaders.
  • Access to AMCP’s training products and disease state resources. Interested in sponsoring a disease state page? Email View Email Address.
AMCP has increased the visibility of our company amongst its members and we consistently end up continuing to interact with the individuals and companies we meet through AMCP’s activities. We very much value our relationship and the benefits it brings to our company.
Fred Goldstein
Fred Goldstein, President, Accountable Health, LLC

Market Research

Understanding your audience’s goals, needs, and preferences is key to determining the viability of a new service, product, or research initiative. By partnering with AMCP, your organization can efficiently and effectively plan market research to gain clinical and payer guidance on specific topics. Your partnership will also provide AMCP with strategic information regarding pipeline and member needs, ensuring that steps can be taken to improve the state of managed care pharmacy.


  • Work with AMCP to plan, develop, and launch a Market Insights study.
  • Gain unique insights from multi-company disease state research.
  • Get support from AMCP for unbranded research initiatives.
  • Take advantage of AMCP’s on-call survey panel of available panels and managed care professionals, in order to get a deeper understanding of your market and the payer community.
AMCP shares our goal of getting patients the drugs and drug therapies that are appropriate for them in a safe, convenient, and cost-effective manner. Our mission of using precision medicine to treat the individual complements AMCP’s mission of giving patients access to drugs that work from day one.
Saleh Alif
Alif Saleh, CEO, Scipher Medicine — AMCP Corporate Plus Member

Meetings and Networking

Reach the largest assembly of pharmacy and health care professionals dedicated specifically to issues regarding managed care pharmacy by taking advantage of various opportunities at AMCP’s Annual Meeting and Nexus conference. From speaking and exhibiting opportunities to open dialogue and collaboration on key issues with our member base, partnering with AMCP will ensure that your organization’s voice is heard.


It was good to hear firsthand from payers, their thoughts about content and the timing of meetings with them. I appreciated the ability to ask questions and panel participants' openness in answering.
Corporate Training Participant

Thought Leadership

Help drive managed care pharmacy forward and position your organization as an industry thought leader by taking advantage of AMCP’s wide range of networking and leadership opportunities. From speaking and exhibiting opportunities at marquee industry conferences, to open dialogue and collaboration on key issues with our member base, partnering with AMCP will ensure that your organization’s voice is heard.


AMCP as an organization provides tools and resources to stay on top of industry trends and a platform to engage and discuss with individuals motivated by shared goals.
AMCP Member