Removing Barriers on the Path to HCV Elimination in the US: Are We on Track?

Event Type:
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 2-3 pm ET

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An overview of the impact and burden of Hepatitis C virus in the US, treatment landscape, elimination progress, access restrictions, and the health economics of curative treatment.

This program will review:

  • Disease state pathophysiology, burden, and impact of untreated Hepatitis C in the US.
  • The WHO HCV elimination targets and the progress to date.
  • The current treatment landscape and the updated AASLD/IDSA guideline recommendations for the treatment of HCV.
  • The current state of access to HCV treatments and the health economics of curative treatment.

At the end of the program, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand the pathophysiology and organ systems affected by Hepatitis C.
  • Recognize the burden and unmet medical needs of patients with HCV.
  • Understand the current treatment guidelines for the management of patients with HCV.
  • Understand the current state of access to HCV treatments and the health economics of curative treatment.


Anthony Martinez, MD, AAHIVS, FAASLD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Jacobs School of Medicine
University at Buffalo
Medical Director, Hepatology
Erie County Medical Center

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