Preventing Irreversible Disability in NMOSD through Timely Diagnosis and Treatment: Payer and Provider Perspectives

Event Type:
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 12pm-1pm ET

Science & Innovation Webinar Banner

Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a rare neurodegenerative inflammatory disease of the optic nerve and spinal cord. NMOSD has significant clinical and economic implications; plus, diagnosis and treatment selection can be challenging. Fortunately, recently-approved targeted therapies can reduce the frequency of relapses and improve patient outcomes. Join us for part one of this two-part webinar series as leading NMOSD and managed care experts discuss: 

  • Timely diagnosis and accurate assessment of disease severity 
  • The latest clinical data for novel targeted therapies and appropriate selection 
  • Real-world patient perspectives on living with NMOSD 
  • Expert strategies to integrate patient characteristics and emerging evidence into clinical and managed care decision-making

Learning Objectives: 

  • Assess the clinical and economic burden of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), including the impact of delayed diagnosis and treatment on patient outcomes 
  • Evaluate advances in diagnostic techniques for accurate diagnosis and assessment of NMOSD severity 
  • Differentiate therapies for NMOSD based on mechanisms of action, mode of administration, and clinical data on efficacy and safety 
  • Align decision-making with current evidence and patient factors to ensure appropriate patient selection and prompt access to NMOSD therapies 


  1. Real-world Patient Perspectives on the Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of NMOSD 
  2. Differentiation of NMOSD From MS: Disease Recognition, Diagnosis and Assessment 
  3. Differentiating Therapies for NMOSD: The Latest Mechanism of Action, Mode of Administration, and Efficacy and Safety Data 
  4. Expert Strategies to Interpret and Apply Current Evidence, Patient-Specific Factors, and Economic Considerations Into Clinical Practice and Managed Care Decisions 

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Prime Education

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