AMCP Petition Process


If one or more eligible petitions are received in writing at AMCP HQ by the deadline of November 15, 2024, an election via electronic ballot for the contested position(s) will be held. All candidates on the ballot must adhere to AMCP’s Campaign Policy.

To submit a written petition to AMCP for the 2025-26 Board Slating Cycle, please send an email to @email with the name of additional candidates for the open position on the AMCP Board of Directors: President, Treasurer, or At-Large Director signed by at least 25% of the AMCP voting membership for the Leadership Development Committees consideration. 

If a valid petition is submitted to AMCP HQ by November 15, AMCP will conduct an election for the contested position(s). If there are no candidates submitted by written petition, the slate recommended by the Leadership Development Committee and approved by the AMCP Board for the 2026-26 slating cycle will begin their term at the end of AMCP 2025 on April 3, 2025.

AMCP Petition Policy

This policy was approved by the AMCP Board of Directors in March 2023.

Per the AMCP Operational Policies and Procedures Section 2.4, once a slate of candidates has been approved by the Board, it shall be presented to the membership for consideration. AMCP voting members may petition the Board for consideration of additional candidates within thirty (30) days of the presentation of the slate, in accordance with Section 5.5 of the AMCP Bylaws.  

AMCP Bylaws Section 5.5: 
Section 5.5 Membership Approval of Directors and Officers 

(a) The Board-approved slate of candidates shall be presented to each Voting Member at the address shown on AMCP’s records. The slate will list the nominees approved by the Board for each vacant/expiring Director and Officer position. By written petition signed by at least one-fourth (1/4) of the total Voting Members, submitted to the Corporation’s headquarters not more than thirty (30) days after the date the slate was initially presented to the Voting Members, one (1) or more additional candidates may be put forth for consideration for the applicable vacant/expiring position(s) as identified in the petition. In the event such a valid, timely petition is received, a vote of the Voting Members shall be conducted, and the candidate for each vacant/expiring position who receives the most votes for that position shall be elected to serve in that position for the applicable term. If no valid, timely petition is received, the Board-approved slate shall be deemed to have been ratified by the membership.


Please contact Evonne Jackson, Staff Liaison to the Leadership Development Committee, for more information on AMCP’s Petition Policy.