Affiliate Officer Elections

A. When to hold elections?

Affiliate elections are to be held in accordance with your Affiliation Agreement. Most Affiliates will conduct elections once a year. If an Affiliate has committees, the Affiliation Agreement should be consulted to determine if these positions are elected or appointed.

B. How to hold elections?

Do we need to do the elections in person? 

No! Consult your Affiliation Agreement to determine if it outlines election procedures. If it is silent, you can hold your elections via email.

How do we prepare for an election? 

First you need to develop a timeline for the election. Allow enough time to establish a nomination committee, solicit nominations, develop the ballot and conduct the election. A suggested 4 to 6 weeks should be allowed to develop and complete the election. A suggested timeline is below.  It is requested that the Affiliate notify AMCP staff of the pending election at least 4 to 6 weeks before results are needed so that the necessary work can be scheduled.

Suggested affiliate election timeline: 

 November Nomination Committee formed

 December Affiliate provides Call for Nominations announcement – with job descriptions to AMCP
Send to Betty Whitaker and Susan Noell (@email/@email)

 January AMCP issues Call for Nominations
January 30 – affiliate nominations committee finalizes ballot

 February Nomination Committee submits ballot to AMCP – voting opens
February 15 – AMCP: setup-distributes ballot to affiliate members plus one reminder

 March 1 Voting closes

 April Installation of Officers at AMCP Annual Meeting


Who can vote in the elections? 

Any AMCP member who lives/works in the area covered by the affiliate may vote. In addition, any member who has requested to be part of specific affiliate may vote in the election. Individual members may vote in more than one affiliate election if they choose to participate in more than one.

How do we hold electronic elections? 

AMCP staff will work with the Affiliate to conduct its election. Staff can develop your ballot and send it to you members. Staff will then send the Affiliate representative the election results. Or the Affiliate can develop its own ballot and staff can send it to the Affiliate members. 

C. Reporting Election Results

How does the Affiliate notify AMCP of results? 

Once the Affiliate elections are completed, the names of the new officers and their office terms are to be sent to AMCP.

How does the Affiliate notify its members of the results? 

AMCP staff will post new officers on the Affiliate’s page of the AMCP website. In addition, AMCP staff will send an email broadcast to Affiliate members announcing the election results.