Affiliate Meeting Registration
AMCP has launched a new online meeting registration system for use in affiliate’s paid and free meetings! The new system allows on-line processing of credit cards and sends confirmations and receipts instantly to the registrants.
Below is a check list/form of information we need from you to set up the system. Please fill out the form below and return it with all relevant information ideally 3 weeks prior to the opening of the registration for your event.
AMCP Affiliate Event Registration Check List and Form
A few notes on the system:
- The cost is $3 per registrant plus the credit card processing fee. The system must be used for all paid meetings. It is up to the affiliate if they want to use it for free meetings.
- The designated affiliate contact will be sent a current registration list every Friday
- Individuals can still pay via check – checks should be made out to the Affiliate and sent to AMCP.
- Registration can stay open to the day of the event – the individual can register onsite via you’re their phone on computer.
- AMCP staff will continue to use email announcements to deliver your meeting notices and related information - this is for payment processing only.
- AMCP recommends that individuals be allowed to transfer their registrations if they cannot attend but not receive a refund. AMCP will default to this unless the affiliate tells us.