Member Benefit — University of Florida
Specialize your career with the Top 10-Ranked University of Florida College of Pharmacy
AMCP members are eligible to receive 50% off their first and last course (up to a $2,250 value) in the UF online master’s program in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy. This program is designed for working professionals and can be completed in five semesters. Taught by managed care experts and industry leaders, students participate in weekly webinar-style courses and can select from four specialty tracks: Applied Pharmacoeconomics, Managed Care Pharmacy Systems, Patient Safety in Medication Use and Pharmaceutical Regulation.
AMCP founder, Robert Navarro, developed the Managed Care Pharmacy Systems curriculum and Laura Happe now succeeds him as the current track director.
View these alumni testimonials from 2018 AMCP Nexus in Orlando:
Preview a lecture with Karam Diaby, the Applied Pharamacoeconomics track director on Aligning Drug Development and Reimbursement Decisions using Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
Apply now to secure your special AMCP/UF benefit. Students can begin in the fall, spring and summer semesters.