Letters, Statements & Analysis

AMCP communicates the importance of managed care pharmacy by collaborating with members to provide comments, analysis, and testimony to Congress and federal and state agencies on the impact of proposed regulations and laws on managed care pharmacy and patients.

Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities Proposed Rule

On August 4, the Department of Health and Human Services released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities. In response, AMCP submitted comments on September 29 which applaud the Department's goal to reinstate regulatory protections from discrimination in covered health programs and activities.
Legislation & Regulation

AMCP Signs On to Letter Requesting Authorization for Pharmacists to Administer Monkeypox Treatments

On August 19, AMCP joined a wide coalition of pharmacy organizations in calling on the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a PREP Act declaration that pharmacists, pharmacy students, and pharmacy technicians, as appropriate, can order and administer FDA authorized or approved monkeypox vaccines, testing, and therapeutics.
Legislation & Regulation

AMCP Provides CMS with Recommendations on Prescription DTx Coding

On June 9, AMCP submitted comments to CMS on the 2022 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Public Meeting. AMCP applauds CMS's efforts to standardize coding and billing practices for prescription digital therapeutics (PDTs), and recommends that CMS create additional codes to cover the full range of PDTs.
Legislation & Regulation