AMCP supports the use of therapeutic interchange programs as a part of a comprehensive approach to quality, cost‐effective patient care.
AMCP supports compensation for pharmacists providing direct patient care services. Services provided by pharmacists are a vital part of comprehensive patient care, especially when delivered in collaboration with other health care providers.
AMCP supports efforts to encourage transparency within health care. This statement focuses on how transparency applies to the use of prescription information, drug costs and communication.
AMCP recognizes that many patients today depend on high‐cost specialty medications that often do not have therapeutic alternatives. Medication cost-share offset programs provide out-of-pocket discounts or free product at the point of sale. AMCP is concerned that certain cost‐share offset programs may undermine formulary development and utilization management techniques and can also increase costs for health plans and, ultimately, patients themselves.
AMCP does not support direct‐to‐consumer advertising that promotes specific prescription drug products, however we do support advertisements that educate the public about disease symptoms and available treatment options.