Great Plains AMCP

AMCP Great Plains Logo


Great Plains AMCP seeks to serve the AMCP membership in the states of Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming in three primary areas: networking, advocacy, and education programming. 


President: Casey Reed, PharmD, MBA, MSc, CSP

President-Elect: Matt Grewe, MBA

Treasurer: Elaine Ogden, PharmD, BCPS

Secretary: Jeff Green, PharmD

Immediate Past President: Debra Minich RPh

Communications & Value Chair: Courtney Spezia, BS

Education Committee: Russ Budin, BS; Matthew Wittman, PharmD

Student Affairs Chair: Kavitha Makayee, PharmD


Great Plains Newsletter Q1 2024: Expanding our Footprint!

Member Dues

There are no additional dues to be a Great Plains AMCP member, however, you must be a current AMCP member for affiliate membership.

Events & Activities

Great Plains AMCP Meeting at AMCP 2025
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
7–8pm CT
George R. Brown Convention Center Room 351B*
*Please check the event app site for any room updates


Great Plains AMCP, in partnership with Gilead and LEO Pharma, is accepting applications for Student Pharmacy Programs for AMCP student members. These programs offer students an inside look at a pharmaceutical manufacturer's day-to-day operations. The visitation is onsite at the manufacturer's facility, and the pharmaceutical manufacturer provides air travel, meals, and overnight accommodations.

Student Pharmacy Program Opportunities
•    Gilead Student Pharmacy Program – Foster City, CA (September 9-10, 2025)
o    Available to two (2) pharmacy students from each respective AMCP Affiliate
•    LEO Pharma Student Shadowing Day – Madison, NJ (September 17-18, 2025)
o    Available to one (1) pharmacy student from each respective AMCP Affiliate

Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for the Student Pharmacy Program(s), you must:
•    Be a P2 – P4 PharmD student at the time of the program (i.e., have not graduated as of August 2025)
•    Be enrolled at one of the accredited Colleges of Pharmacy within the AMCP Affiliate region
•    Be a current member of AMCP
•    Have completed the application form.

To be considered, students must submit their application to the AMCP affiliate that covers their region. The deadline is May 27, 2025.

Program Details

Great Plains Application


Great Plains Mentoring Program Material 

Follow Great Plains AMCP

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Join Our List

Affiliate information is automatically sent to an AMCP member who resides in an affiliate state or region. If you are a current AMCP member who lives outside an area covered by an affiliate or a member who wants to be added to another affiliate roster, please log in to the AMCP member portal, go to “My Profile,” and scroll down to see affiliate membership to change/add affiliates. Affiliate lists are only open to AMCP members.   

Founders-Charter Members

James Baumann, Jeff Huether, Ken Mishler, Tami Sova, Ryan Flugge, Tom Peddicord, Jeanie Brown, Mark Gruenhaupt, Rick Kegler, Maggie Murphy, Luke Merkel, Krystal Dennis, Christin Henrich